This meeting was held via a Zoom call.
Participating were six Board members and Secretary Manager Russell Gammon. Raynald Dube was not present. Incoming Secretary-Manager Kerry O’Donnell had accepted an invitation to take part in the meeting.
Report of the Secretary-Manager
Financial statistics presented included the following:
BMO Chequing account balance: $8833.92 BMO Savings account balance: $89,250.92 CIBC account associated with activity at CLRC: $507.85 as of the Friday before the meeting. GIC investments at BMO were at $65,000 plus ongoing earned interest.Grand total for financial resources: $163,592.69
Gammon noted that a schedule had been established for communication between himself and incoming CGS Secretary-Manager Kerry O’Donnell regarding transition of the position and CGS possessions. He further noted that participation in One Day Milk Testing was high and that one Report of Award had been received from an early show.
Introduction of New Secretary-Manager
President Howell took great pleasure in introducing new Secretary-Manager Kerry O’Donnell to the Board. Sandy commented on how well-qualified Kerry was for the position. Kerry thanked the Board for naming her to the position and noted that she looked forward to meeting and serving members and working with them.
Gammon presented a report of classification work completed in Alberta and the Interior of British Columbia in June 2023. He also reviewed plans for more work in British Columbia, service for remaining herds in Alberta, work in Saskatchewan, classification of two large herds in Quebec and the work ahead in Ontario. Gammon noted that work with the classification program software was operating much more smoothly in 2023 than during the program relaunch in 2022.
Gammon also noted that communication would continue with CLRC regarding listing of only current year members on the CGS database in the CLRC website as of March 31st each year.
CGS Committee composition and work and activities were discussed. As noted at the previous Board meeting more Western Canadian participation in the National Show committee is a definite need. Among suggestions to increase participation by members in all committees were the concept that upcoming issues of CGS newsletters and the CGS Facebook page would be used to encourage participation in committees. An explanation of the goals of the National Show committee was provided to the new Secretary-Manager in that the committee would provide mentorship and guidance to those considering bidding or actually bidding to host a national show from those with experience in hosting. Efforts would be made to expand the array of sites for national shows. Tanya McCarthy reported that a number of members had indicated interest in participating in the new Youth Program with interest spanning the country. Chris Grab reported that considerable progress had been made on proposals for revising policies and procedures for Judges Licensing Conferences. Chris would lead a search for more members for this committee. Susan Frazer, the Board connection with the By-law review committee, agreed to reignite work by this committee.
A member had asked about prospects for applying Canadian award status to animals from the USA, based on American performance information, as long as the American performance information met Canadian standards. This member volunteered to do research on American performance of animals in question and to present it to CGS for examination.
A motion was duly made, voted upon and carried the CGS will accept US award information and status as being eligible as long as the Canadian standards for each award are met.
Tanya McCarthy thanked the Board for input on a draft of the Yearbook. The book is now ready for publication with details re payment for printing being worked out with the selected printing company.
Nominations for Board positions were due in three districts as of June 30, 2023. In District One-British Columbia two positions were open. Sandy Howell and Ted Brooks had both received sufficient nominations to be candidates as of the meeting date. In District Three Manitoba and Saskatchewan one position was open. Susan Frazer from Manitoba has received sufficient nominations to be a candidate as of the meeting date. In the latest newsletter a mistake in districts had appeared in the notice of elections. Explanation was provided that it is the Quebec District #5 where a position was open. The Board requested that all 2023 members in Quebec be contacted by email or postal mail and informed of the position being available. Terms for those elected will begin at the next annual meeting of CGS.
The Board was informed that, as of the meeting date, no bids to host National Shows in 2024 had been received.
Sandy thanked Kerry for taking part in the meeting and agreeing to accept the position of Secretary-Manager and Russell Gammon for his service to CGS since September 2019.
This meeting took the form of a Zoom call.
All Board members, including newly elected Board member Susan Mangan were in attendance along with Secretary-Manager Russell Gammon.
Once the meeting was called to order questions were raised about the policy of only Board members and staff attending Board meetings, policies for timing of completion of Board meeting minutes, and reports of Board meetings for the association website, and listing of only current year members as of March 31st each year in the CGS database on the CLRC website.
A motion was duly made and voted upon and carried to reinvest $10,000, available once a CGS grouping of investments matured in May 2023, in a two-year term GIC.
Secretary-Manager’s Report
Gammon reported the following financial statistics: BMO chequing account balance: $12,935.64BMO savings account: $82,778.91-Interest income on this account was now in the range of $200.00 per month. CIBC account associated with registry activity income at CLRC: Just over $500.00 Investments: $65,000 with one investment due to mature during May. Grand total: Just over $161,000.
Award certificates are now being printed on parchment paper with the official CGS seal affixed.
Ongoing and new business
President Sandy Howell welcomed Susan Mangan to the Board as the new Director from Ontario. Susan recounted her more than forty years of experience working with both dairy and meat goats and her other employment and business experience relevant to CGS activities. She also noted that she had been an active participant in CGS improvement programs.
A motion was duly made, voted upon and carried that Kerry O’Donnell be named Secretary-Manager of CGS as of July 1, 2023.
CGS committees were discussed along with any progress reports from them. Note was made of the fact that a Board connection with each committee is essential, that there is need for representation from Western Canada on the National Show Committee, that the By-laws review committee would be activated and that reports from each committee would be requested.
The Yearbook Committee reported that the completion of work on this project was very close. Appreciation to Jonathan Dugdale for the enormous amount of work he had applied to this project was expressed.
Board members were reminded of a June 30th deadline for nominations of candidates for director positions in three regions-four positions are open for nominations.