This meeting took the form of a Zoom call. 
Six Board members and Secretary-Manager Russell Gammon participated. 

Ongoing and new Business 
Organizers of the Canadian Nigerian Dwarf Association Western Classic Show and an associated classification meet slated for June 3rd in Olds Alberta had contacted CGS asking about the responsibility for service fees and expenses associated with the classifier serving at the meet. 

A motion was duly made and voted upon and carried that the Canadian Goat Society be responsible for all costs associated with the classifier traveling to and serving at the event.

Nominations were opened to fill a position on the Executive Committee of CGS. Nominations were made and a vote was held with Susan Frazer being elected to the position of Second Vice-President of CGS. 

Based upon section 7.20 of the CGS bylaws a motion had been duly made at the Board level that a deadline of April 5, 2023 be set for nominations for the vacant Ontario Director position, with no fewer than five nominations from members in good standing, resident in the district, needed to make the candidacy valid. This motion had been voted upon and carried. 

As the deadline noted in the above motion had passed at meeting time further discussion yielded a plan that all 2023 members in Ontario be contacted by email or postal mail informing them of the opening on the Board. Fifteen (15) nominations from members in good standing would be required to make a candidacy valid.  Deadline for nominations would be two weeks after emails were sent. a target goal for a deadline for nominations of Friday, May 5, 2023 was set. This plan was approved. 

A draft posting for the position of Secretary Manager had been created and circulated within the Board.   Input was provided upon an appropriate salary range for the position, venues for posting notice of the position available,  confirmation of hours of daily service within the position, and development of an appropriate contract, so that the posting could be completed. 

With regards to progress on the Yearbook some challenges with a listing of members with significant numbers of consecutive years of membership were noted. CLRC would be approached with a notation of the challenges and a request for a revised listing. 

A proposed sire development program had been presented to CGS by a member. The Board had studied the proposal.  Because the program would require a significant investment of resources by the Society to action the Board decided not to take any further action on the concept. 

Work is progressing to have CLRC list only current year members on the CGS database on the CLRC website. This change in listing policy would be enacted as of March 31st in any given year. 
A discussion regarding a limited inventory of official CGS judges and prospects for holding Judges Licensing Conferences (JLCs) in 2023 was held. Staff were asked to follow up with the organizers of a proposed JLC in Ontario to determine if the event would be held. 

A discussion was held regarding prospects for a change in policy to allow members to attend Board meetings as observers, or, as participants upon request by the Board. A motion was duly made, voted upon and carried that attendance at Board meetings would continue to be limited to Board members and the Secretary Manager. 

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