This meeting took the form of a Zoom call. 
All Board members, including newly elected Board member Susan Mangan were in attendance along with Secretary-Manager Russell Gammon. 

Once the meeting was called to order questions were raised about the policy of only Board members and staff attending Board meetings, policies for timing of completion of Board meeting minutes, and reports of Board meetings for the association website, and listing of only current year members as of March 31st each year in the CGS database on the CLRC website. 

A motion was duly made and voted upon and carried to reinvest $10,000, available once a CGS grouping of investments matured in May 2023, in a two-year term GIC. 

Secretary-Manager’s Report
Gammon reported the following financial statistics: BMO chequing account balance: $12,935.64BMO savings account: $82,778.91-Interest income on this account was now in the range of $200.00 per month. CIBC account associated with registry activity income at CLRC: Just over $500.00 Investments: $65,000 with one investment due to mature during May. Grand total:  Just over $161,000. 
Award certificates are now being printed on parchment paper with the official CGS seal affixed. 

Ongoing and new business
President Sandy Howell welcomed Susan Mangan to the Board as the new Director from Ontario. Susan recounted her more than forty years of experience working with both dairy and meat goats and her other employment and business experience relevant to CGS activities. She also noted that she had been an active participant in CGS improvement programs. 

A motion was duly made, voted upon and carried that Kerry O’Donnell be named Secretary-Manager of CGS as of July 1, 2023. 

CGS committees were discussed along with any progress reports from them. Note was made of the fact that a Board connection with each committee is essential, that there is need for representation from Western Canada on the National Show Committee, that the By-laws review committee would be activated and that reports from each committee would be requested. 

The Yearbook Committee reported that the completion of work on this project was very close. Appreciation to Jonathan Dugdale for the enormous amount of work he had applied to this project was expressed. 

Board members were reminded of a June 30th deadline for nominations of candidates for director positions in three regions-four positions are open for nominations.

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