Breed Standards:
Erect ears. Colour must be a shade of fawn or brown with white or cream colour markings (white preferred) such as facial stripes: outline of ear: below knees and hocks and inside the top of the legs: and a triangle on each side of tail base. White spot may be present at the point of elbow and at root of wattles or where wattles would be. A dark vertical line may be present below the knees. Does which are black with Toggenburg markings are permitted but will be identified with “black” as a suffix to their registered name.
Minimum Height at Withers and Minimum Weight
Doe 26″ /66 cm. 120 lbs./54.45 kg.
Buck 28″ / 71 cm. 150 lbs /68.18 kg.
*Pendulous ears
*Tricolour or Piebald
*Black bucks
*White stomach, except on British Toggenburgs
*Large white spot in hair (more than 1-1/2″ in any direction.