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About the CGS
The Canadian Goat Society(CGS) was incorporated on August 3rd, 1917, and is governed by the Animal Pedigree Act. CGS is dedicated to maintaining the integrity of its herdbooks, providing accurate evaluation programs for performance and type, and promoting the responsible and humane treatment of goats. It is managed by a Board of Directors elected from 6 Districts across Canada.
The Canadian Goat Society maintains the Herd books for nine purebred breeds of goats and a Special Registry for upgraded animals as specified under the Animal Pedigree Act, which are: Alpine, Angora, La Mancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Oberhasli, Pygmy, Saanen and Toggenburg.
CGS conducts programs and services to allow breeders to evaluate their goat’s performance. These include a Classification Program, Judges Licensing Program, Milk Recording Programs, Sanctioned Shows, Semen Collection, a Master Breeder Award, and publication of its own Newsletters and Yearbooks.
The CGS uses the services of the Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC) for registration papers. If you wish to become a CGS Member or register your purebred goats, you may use CLRC online service or contact CLRC toll free at 1-877-833-7110. Complete information can be found on the CLRC website.