This meeting took the form of a zoom call with all Board members and Secretary-Manager Russell Gammon in attendance.
Matter discussed included timing of preparation and distribution of Board meeting minutes.
Three proposed by-law amendments, which had been reviewed by the by-law amendment review committee, distributed to the Animal Registration Officer at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Manager of the Canadian Livestock Records Corportation for comment and presented to and discussed with members at the annual meeting were considered by the Board.
The first proposed amendment had this wording: it is proposed that bylaw 8.4 which currently reads ” The President may vote in the event of a tie; said vote being in addition to his regular vote as a director.” A motion was made that the wording be amended to read: “In the event of a tie vote, the vote must be retaken until the tie vote is resolved by additional voting.”A vote was taken and the motion to approve the amendment for a member vote was carried.
The second proposed amendment had this wording:It is proposed that bylaws be amended to include the following:”No individual may serve as a director more than 2 (two) terms consecutively.”
A vote was taken to approve this amendment and it was defeated and thus did not carry.
The third proposed amendment had this wording:It is proposed that by-laws be amended to include the following:
” The role of President cannot be filled by a director who was acclaimed.”
On the first vote a tie resulted with one abstention. Following discussion, a second vote to approve the amendment for next steps action was held. The motion was defeated and thus did not carry.
Report of the Secretary-Manager Gammon reported a chequing account balance of $9274.66; a savings account balance of $81,709.83 and a total of $90,984.49 in the two accounts. The most recent balance for the CIBC account was $3073.76 . Investments totalled $55,000 plus earned interest.
Following this report, a motion was made, and carried, to invest a further $10,000 in a GIC with a two-year term.
Ongoing and New Business
Discussion of the history of CGS financial support for Judges Licensing Conferences (JLCs) took place. No decisions regarding changes in any policies for JLCs were made.
Preliminary investigations into board governance training and outside assistance with board functioning had been conducted. No decisions on forward motion on the topic were taken.
Work on a 2023 budget continued after Board review of a draft budget. Recommended changes were a reduction in anticipated revenue from judge’s license renewals and JLC fees and for milk recording.
In expenditure line items the amount for classification services was increased, as were accounting/audit fees and the projected fee for use of credit cards to pay for registry services at CLRC. Additional recommended increases in expenditures were for legal fees, advertising, milk recording program costs and costs of presenting an annual meeting. Costs associated with conducting director elections and purchasing director liability insurance will be added to the budget when more accurate estimates are obtained or actual amounts known.
Jonathan Dugdale had indicated his intention to resign from his Board position to the CGS President. The Board approved director Tanya McCarthy as CGS representative to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Board of Governors and RAWF AGM as Jonathan was unable to attend.
Re-confirmed Ed Cavanagh as classifier for the meet in Alberta in early June and other on farm work in that province.
The matter of donations to CGS by members and other parties was discussed briefly.
As President Howell had to leave the meeting First Vice President Chris Grab assumed the chair.
Assignments for classifiers in 2023 were made by a motion made and carried and Eugenia Carnegie, Jon Raymond Dykstra and Edward Cavanagh were approved as 2023 classifiers by motion also.
The meeting was adjourned after this business was completed.