R E P O R T   T O   M E M B E R S H I P

CGS Board of Directors – Zoom Call
July 18, 2023 · 6:00 pm CST time

Present: Sandy Howell, Chris Grab, Susan Frazer, Arnie Steeves, Tanya McCarthy, Sue Mangan, Raynald Dube, Kerry O’Donnell (ex officio)     

1.  Called to order at 6:07 p.m. by Sandy Howell.

2.  Changes or additions to the agenda – none.
              MOTION: To approve the agenda as presented – Susan F/Arnie.  Approved

3.  Approval of previous meeting minutes (June 20, 2023)
              MOTION:  To approve the minutes of June 20, 2023 as presented – Arnie/Susan F.  Approved.

4.  Review of Reports

              OFFICE REPORT

              Office Transition

  • All critical items necessary to the functioning of the office have been received.
  • The new S/M thanked Russell Gammon and the CGS Executive for their assistance in helping things to transition as well as they have. 

                Office Report

  • Applications for 3 new Sanctioned shows have been received and processed (Chiliwack and Armstrong BC and Kinmount, ONT).
  • The Royal has contacted the office and will now also be sanctioning their Junior Show.
  • Data entry has begun for completed milk tests and show results following an orientation to the data entry process from Brianna Sullivan.
  • Applications for new One Day Milk Tests are being received and processed. 
  • Discussion held re: purchase of printer for the new office.  Once there is a better understanding of the possible volume of printing that might occur in house, the search for a printer will begin.
  • No word received back from CRA to date in response to the letter send May 2, 2023.  S/M to follow up.
  • Work is continuing on updating CGS info on documents and communication pieces.

                Financial Report

  • As of July 14, 2023 the balances in the accounts held at BMO were as follows:
    • BMO Chequing account  – $13,622.22
    • BMO Savings account – $67,454,35
    • $9605.00 was transferred from the savings account to the chequing account to cover the cheque that has been sent by mail to RLB for the recent audit of the CGS books. 
  • As of June 30, 2023 the balance in the CIBC account was $7691.54
  • No changes in investments – $65,000.00 (+ interest earned since June 20th financial report)
  • Financial statements to June 30th as prepared by the CGS bookkeeper were presented to the Board.
  • Discussion from the Board regarding members with past due accounts with CLRC.  Overdue accounts are invoiced every 2 months by CLRC and interest is charged.
  • Tanya M made note that the by-laws state that to be a member in good standing, members

must not be in arrears and suggested this should be added to the draft letter.  S/M to draft a letter for use with members in arrears.

        MOTION: To accept the financial report as presented – Susan F/Raynald – Approved.

5.  New Business

Concern from CGS member re: JLC and extending Judge’s licenses

  • Previously decided that no extensions would be granted to Judge’s licenses

  • Member concern re: deduction of 5 pts for over height animals on Classification
  • Changes to program were to be made by Brianna Sullivan to adopt the sliding scale deduction rather than the absolute deduction of 5 pts.  S/M to contact Brianna to confirm if this is the case.
  • Question from Sue M re: Classification in general.  Noted that Dairy strength only adds up to 88 pts when every other category adds up to 100 pts.
  • Arnie indicated that Brianna has the answer – related to mathematic equations and genetics.
  • S/M to ask Brianna re: why Dairy strength only adds up to 88.

Member concern re:  Certificates of sold animals being held by CLRC due to non payment by the seller

  • Member in question who sold the animals and is in arrears with CLRC is no longer a current member
  • Extensive discussion amongst the Board ensued.
  • S/M to contact CLRC for details regarding work processed without full payment.

 +S Buck Certificate

  • The present certificate available on the CGS laptop was presented to the Board and is the current one in use.
  • S/M confirmed that certificates coming from the office are being stamped with the official seal.

2023 CGS AGM/Financial audit

  • Timing of the next AGM is dependent on the response from CRA re: changing fiscal year end back to August 31st.  First letter sent to CRA May 2, 2023 has gone unanswered.  Second letter to be sent.

Summer/Fall Newsletter

  • Should be going out in September
  • Discussion re: sending newsletter in an electronic manner going forward.
  • Notice to be placed in next Newsletter to members that future issues of the Newsletter will be in electronic form for those with email addresses on file at CLRC unless they contact the CGS office and tell us otherwise.  Post notice to Facebook page as well.

Request from Heritage Livestock Canada for use of CGS logo on their website

  • HLC requested to use the CGS logo on their website to direct individuals to CGS

                MOTION: To allow HLC to use the CGS logo on their website to direct individuals to the CGS           website – Sue M/Chris – Carried.

Application from B.C to host a JLC in October 2023

  • Judges licenses are due to be renewed in 2024.  Anyone with a current 2 year license will be able to Judge in 2024 and will have to attend a JLC course to have the license renewed in 2024.
  • Sandy noted that in conversation with the applicants that they were hoping to hold the JLC in the fall of this year and have the licenses take effect for 2024. 
  • Extensive discussion from the Board followed.
  • If the BC proposed JLC was held in the fall of 2023, Judges would be paying the fee for their licenses, but the license would only be good until the end of 2023 and they would have to attend again in 2024.
  • Concern raised that lack of Judges and lack of sanctioned shows means decreased income for CGS.
  • Ontario was denied a JLC under the same circumstances that BC is asking for – need to be fair to everyone. 
  • S/M to write letter to JLC applicants and inform them that current Judge’s licences are currently valid until the end of 2024 and also that anyone attending the proposed October conference would still have to attend again in 2024.
  • Arnie noted that JLC’s had been held in the Fall (October) in the past routinely due to shows being done, does being dried off, etc – easier to attend at that time of year.  Suggested that CGS look at determining a certain time of year for JLC’s to be held rather than different areas deciding when they wish to have them so things are consistent.

Book keeping service and quote

  • The book keeper that had been providing services for CGS announced that she was changing directions and would no longer be available to meet CGS’s needs
  • Susan F noted that CGS has utilized the services of a book keeper since their move to the Alliance. 
  • Tanya noted that the book keeper position is in the CGS S/M job description as well as being in the CGS by-laws.  She further noted the urgency of updating the by-laws in the event book keeping services will be continued.
  • The S/M was asked for her opinion on book keeping services.  She expressed that at this point in time it would be in the best interest of CGS to continue with an external book keeper and that the by-laws definitely need attention.  Book keeping must be done properly – it is not, an audit will take longer and be more expensive.  Suggested corresponding with Courtney at APA re: acceptable wording around the term “auditor.”  Noted that other Associations struggle with audit/review as well.  If APA requires a full audit it puts many Associations in a very tight spot financially.  Not every Association has a healthy bank account and can afford a $9600.00 audit every year. 

                MOTION:  In regards to book keeping services; That we continue on the present                  course until the end of the current fiscal year – Sue M/Arnie S – Carried.

  • With discussion beginning on making a motion to engage the services of the individual providing the book keeping quote to CGS, it was noted by Tanya McCarthy that 3 quotes should be presented. 
  • The S/M verbally reported 3 quotes that she had received from book keepers (who had experience and formal training in book keeping services) local to the office, who quoted fees ranging from $50.00/hour up to $90.00/hour.  Current book keeper was costing $363 – $463/month and spending on average, 10 hours per month.  The S/M noted that many of the local book keepers were not even accepting new clients at this time. 
  • Susan F questioned if the new quote was a fixed monthly charge – yes it is a fixed monthly charge that also has payroll included (there was no payroll involved with the previous S/M, and payroll increases the cost of services).

                MOTION:  To hire the book keeper in the quote forwarded to the Board (Adrienne Morris of          Accounting Solutions+,) – Arnie S/Sue M – Carried.

6.  Old Business

        By-law Committee Updates

  • No update available from the By-law update committee.
  • No updates from any other CGS committees.

        Quebec/ Director Nominations

  • One nomination to represent the province of Quebec was received by the CGS office

                MOTION:  To appoint Pier-,Marc Tremblay to the CGS Board of Directors as the    representative for the province of Quebec – Seu M/Susan F – Carried.

  • For the province of BC Sandy Howell and Ted Brooks received the required number of signatures and will be Directors.  For the provinces of Manitoba/Saskatchewan, Susan Frazer received the required number of signatures and will be the director for that region.
  • S/M to contact each of the successful nominees and inform them of their place on the Board at the meeting prior to the next AGM.

Yearbook Distribution

  • S/M presented some additional information regarding possibilities for distribution.  Contact with the yearbook printer confirmed they are not a mailing house, however they suggested a mailing house that is relatively close to them.  Rough quote was received from Mailing house which included everything but postage as this could not be determined accurately without the actual weight of the yearbook.
  • Question raised if 3rd class mail was not an option – S/M replied that according the mailing house she contacted magazines/publications fall into different categories and depending on the category it falls in – that determines the postage. 
  • S/M reported regular postage rates with an estimated weight of 400 grams each yearbook would cost 4.44 each to mail out.  Susan F noted a similar quote she had received when she had inquired with Canada Post.
  • Arnie noted that he would lean towards a distribution house due to the fact that if done by volunteer BOD or the S/M they are not sorted and there would likely be an extra fee for sorting (as this was his experience in the past).
  • Tanya McCarthy reported that she had been quoted a cost of $300.00 from Canada Post when she received a quote from them quite some time ago.  She mentioned that this would see a cost savings for CGS as the only cost would be the $300.00 postage quoted and the envelopes – the labor would be donated by herself and Jonathan
  • Arnie and Susan F questioned if the quote Tanya had been given was accurate as the cost/yearbook at $300.00 for 650 copies worked out to .46/copy.
  • Susan F noted that she was in favor of the least inexpensive method, and Sandy H noted that the most timely was also of importance. 

                MOTION:  To use the services of a distribution house for the distribution of the yearbook –            Arnie S/Susan F.  Opposed – Tanya M.  Carried.

  • The above motion was made by Arnie and seconded by Susan F.  Discussion ensued following the motion being made and seconded.
  • Sue M asked if she should go to the post office tomorrow and get a quote before the yearbook was finished up.
  • The Board noted that a quote is hard to get if the weight and size of the publication  is not know. 
  • Sandy called for the motion. 
  • Following passing the motion, Tanya M requested that the following be noted in the minutes – “Sue was asking a question. Was not allowed to answer.  The motion was carried without discussion being finished.”

Non cashed cheque dated September 27, 2022 for $169.50 for refund of Classification fees

  • A question has come from the book keeper regarding a member who had not yet cashed a cheque sent to them.
  • The member noted that they had replied to Russell about this.
  • At the members request, the S/M will send an e-transfer to them.

Reminder to CGS BOD re: communications to industry partners coming from the CGS Office rather than individual Board members.

  • Industry partners have indicated that they do not wish to have requests coming from multiple sources from any one organization. 

Discussion regarding email from CGS member to CGS Board member requesting a reply to previous communication sent.

  • Tanya noted that a member is awaiting a response to a previously made comment and is looking for specific examples to substantiate the comment.
  • Sandy noted that she had previously responded and that the comment did not come from her personally – it was brought forward to her by other members of the Board and the S/M at the time.
  • Tanya will respond to the member is question with a summary of the discussion.

                7. Next meeting

  • August 15, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. ET/6:00 p.m. SK Time

                8.   Adjourn

  • Motion to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. SK time by Sue M.

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