7.1. The property and business of the Society shall be managed by a Board of not less than six Directors.
7.2. No person shall be qualified for election as a director if such person;
a) is not a member in good standing
b) is not an individual
c) is less than 18 years of age
d) is of unsound mind and has been so found by a Court in Canada or elsewhere
7.3. The Directors shall be elected on a three year rotating basis in the manner set out in sub-sections 7.5 to 7.17 hereof and is eligible for re-election.
7.4. For the purpose of elections, the membership shall be divided into the following districts:
District 1- Province of British Columbia
District 2- Province of Alberta
District 3- Provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba
District 4- Province of Ontario
District 5- Province of Quebec
District 6- Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island
Only those members of the Society who reside in a particular District may vote for the Director or Directors to be elected from that District.
7.5. The number of Directors elected in each district will be determined by reference to the total number of members of the Society that are resident in that District according to the Society s membership list as of December 31st of the calendar year immediately preceding the election year and according to the following schedule:
1 to 150 members 1 Directors
151 to 450 members 2 Directors
451 and over 3 Directors
7.6. Districts 1,3 and 5 shall have their election of Directors in the years 1999, 2002, 2005 and so on every three years. District 2, 4 and 6 shall have their election of Directors in the years 2000, 2003, 2006 and so on every three years.
7.7. Directors shall be elected by postal ballot.
7.8. By a circular notice prepaid, the Secretary Manager shall supply all members with a list of all members of their designated district, including both names and addresses. Providing that if the Society has an official organ which is mailed to all members, a notice published therein shall be deemed sufficient.
7.9. Members may make nominations only for Directors resident in their district.
***7.10. In order for a member to qualify as a candidate for the office of Director in his district, he must be nominated in writing by no fewer than fifteen (15) members in good standing who reside in that District and such nominations must be sent by mail to the Head Office of the Society and post-marked not later than June 30. ***
7.11. The Secretary Manager shall notify the members who have been nominated, informing them that their names will be included in the ballot for election of Directors of his District unless notice declining the nominations is given within five (5) days.
7.12. The Secretary Manager shall, for each District which is voting that year, send voting ballots by regular prepaid mail to the members resident in that District on or before July 15 of the election year.
7.13. Members shall receive a ballot listing the candidates for their district with instructions to vote for the required number of directors for that district. A member may vote for one or more candidates, up to the total number of Directors allotted for that district.
7.14. With the ballot, an envelope marked Official Ballot and addressed to the Secretary Manager, shall be sent with instructions to return this containing the ballot only, and that in order to be counted, the ballot must be received at the Head Office of the Society on or before August 15 of the election year.
7.15. Counting of the returned ballots so received shall be supervised by the Secretary Manager and/or a recognized third party appointed by the Board. The results shall be tabulated and the ballots destroyed by motion of the new Board when it takes office.
7.16. In the case of a tie vote, the candidate who has been longest a member in his district shall be declared elected.
7.17. The successful candidates shall be notified of their election as soon as possible once results are known. The newly elected Board will take office directly prior to the Board of Director s meeting which precedes the Annual General Meeting. Newly elected Directors may add items of concern to the agenda for the Board Meeting prior to taking office.
7.18. A majority of Directors shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Board.
7.19.All decisions of the Board shall be resolved by a majority vote of the Directors voting, provided that no less than a majority of Directors actually vote thereon. Any Director shall be presumed and deemed to have assented to any and all decisions so made unless he shall register his dissent to the decision and such dissent shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board.
7.20. In the case that a position on the Board becomes vacant at any time, the candidate with the next highest number of votes in that district will be appointed to the position provided that person gained no less than 10% of the votes cast in that district. Failing that, appointment or election to fill the position will be at the discretion of the Board.
7.21. The Office of Director Shall be Automatically vacated:
a) if a Director has resigned his office by delivering a written resignation to the Secretary Manager;
b) if a Director ceases to be a member in good standing;
c) if a Director is found by a Court to be of unsound mind;
d) if at a general membership meeting of a District, a resolution is passed by an affirmative vote of no less than 60% of the members present at such a meeting that a Director of that district be removed from office; or
e) upon the death of a Director.