District 6 CGS members I would like to thank you all for your continued support of CGS shows. We know that they have been minimal the last three years due to the big “C” word. Hopefully over the next few years we can regain our presence at county fairs again.
Knowing that there are lots of challenges within the agricultural industry, we must remain positive as there is always hope for a brighter future within the Dairy Goat Industry. I encourage you as CGS Members to use the Canadian Goat Society website for all your current updates, for meeting and lots of information.
I am always open to person to person calls and emails, to contact me, of your concerns.
For those who participated in the CGS classification program, and Milk Recoding Programs the CGS board thanks you for your continued support and look forward to more herds getting classified and signing up for Milk test in the coming year.
I applaud those who participate in the 4-H program in Nova Scotia (Goat Division)which we all know is the largest 4H show in Canada. Congratulations to those involved, on your achievements!
All the Best to everyone in 2023!
Arnie Steeves
Bonjour , cette année 2022 fut marqué par retour à la normal . La classification par CGS était de nouveau disponible et ce fut très apprécié .
L`industrie caprine a des défis à relever lié à la rentabilité des entreprises . L`utilisation de services comme le contrôle laitier est un outils important pour , l`amélioration génétique et la prise de décision qui amène une meilleur rentabilité de l`entreprise .
Si vous avez des questions n`hésitez pas à me contacter .
Raynald Dubé
What an exciting year 2022 has been for Ontario goats and how exciting it has been for us as your Ontario directors!
Both of us took on the task of creating this yearbook! What a great learning curve this has been for both of us, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it!
CGS programs were back in full swing! We had lots of inquiries about signing up for an official milk test and some new participants to the program. Courtesy of Howcroft Farms (Grant Howley and Gerard McNeil), Ontario hosted the classification training. It was a wonderful opportunity to have all of the classifiers out to train in person, together and share ideas and concerns. We also had 2 trainee’s (Pat McLean and Tanya Vickers) who we hope to have fully trained and able to help as fully trained classifiers as well.
We were able to hold a classification meet as well this fall with both some new and familiar faces participating. In October, Howcroft Farms was once again host to another event, the Judges Licensing Conference. One of our judges advanced to full status, and just as exciting, CGS has a new apprentice judge to add to the list! Congratulations to everyone that participated! We had some amazing helpers, an extremely knowledgeable panel and beautiful goats to test out the participants knowledge. It was a great success!
To top off the list of events in Ontario, the Fairs were a bustle with goats this year! We had a wonderful turnout and some beautiful goats were represented by many breeders across the province. The icing on the cake was the grand finale at the 100th anniversary of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair which hosted the East National Show.
Sadly, it hasn’t been all sunshine and roses. We saw a fair share of buyers who were not provided registration papers as promised. CGS is trying to educate both buyers and sellers and get the word out – If you sell a goat get those transfers completed and mailed into CLRC ASAP! It is the SELLERS responsibility to transfer goats within 6 months of the date of sale as outlined in the Animal Pedigree Act. Also, please make sure when you sell a goat, it is tattooed!
It is exciting and encouraging to see so many new faces and speak to both new and experienced breeders about the future of CGS and what we can do to try to improve it.
By now you will have seen the new program CGS is rolling out – the Youth Program! We are so excited to get our youth out and rewarded for all of their hard work and dedication to their goats and their herds!!
Congratulations to everyone on an amazing year! It has been a busy but productive one! Please enjoy our long overdue Yearbook and thank you to all who contributed! We had so much fun putting it together!
Happy Kidding, Milking and Shearing for the angora people!!!
Jonathan and Tanya
2022 was a welcome improvement after the pandemic years as it allowed for more activities to take place such as the CGS sanctioned shows.
There were two shows in Saskatchewan in 2022. The first was the Mid Summer Heat in Weyburn on July 9th which was a Double ring show (Open
Doe) with Lorraine Keeping and Callum McLeod judging. Breeds sanctioned were Alpine, Lamancha, Saanen, Nubian, and Nigerian Dwarf. All breeds made sanction in both rings!
The Prairie Goat Expo on Aug 6th was in Prince Albert and was also a Double Ring show (Open Doe and Buck Show). It was sanctioned for All Other Purebred and Nigerian Dwarf and judged by Lorraine Keeping and Ian Clark. It was great to see this show return after a lapse of a number of years!
Five herds took advantage of classification being offered again in MB and SK which was greatly appreciated. Eugenie Carnegie was the classifier.
Milk Recording:
Four herds participated in the Star M testing in 2022, one in MB and four in SK. There was also one herd in SK on the Official 305 day test.
It was great to see the participation from the various owners in the CGS programs in our region. It is also good to see our membership numbers keeping steady and we look forward to even more participation in 2023. If you are interested in participating please contact the CGS office or myself, your Director , as we are ready to help anytime.
Susan Frazer
CGS Alberta Director 2022 – A Year In Review: Chris Grab
In February 2022 I became Alberta’s newly elected director for the Canadian Goat Society.
What an experience it has been. With three new directors elected, and one appointed a lot of adjustments have been required for the seven member board. New and old directors are still finding ways to work together to be able to support and further the direction of CGS. Despite a variety of differences of opinions and rocky starts, there have been some forward strides.
One very memorable event was when we became the host farm for the 2022 Western Judge’s Licensing Conference. The in person training & licensing was held at our place in Leduc County, Alberta in May 2022. There was lots of interest, with a number of attendees coming to audit, along with four members earning their judging license as well as a few senior and advanced judges renewing theirs. Special thanks to our attendees, the panel, as well as CNDA and CGS for sponsoring and supporting this worthwhile endeavour.
Coming off several years of covid, we were fortunate enough to two CGS sanctioned shows in Alberta in 2022. The first was held at Northlands in Edmonton in July and the second was held in Millerville in August.
Another positive note is that West Nationals have been awarded to Alberta for 2023 and will be hosted in Edmonton.
Sadly this year has been one where many registration and transfer issues have arisen for CGS to deal with. CGS has been utilizing the Buyer’s and Seller’s Guides (created and shared by the Canadian Nigerian Dwarf Association). It has been encouraging to associations support another in a topic that concerns us all.
One of the board committees I am working on will be promoting and encouraging increased participation. In addition, our goal is to have more members attend and complete future JLC training.
I am striving for positive change and providing direction for CGS as we strive to move the Society forward. May your goats be healthy, excel in the ring, at classification or any milk programs you may undertake in 2023.
Chris Grab
After a slow 2 years of covid where everyone got to relax and take time with their breeding programs,
2022 was a busy year for goat owners. It was hard, for many getting into the life of goats again when it
came to showing, classification and milk testing. But we managed.
Like everyone the year started out with new life in the barn and the excitement that goes along with it.
Several herds signed up for the CGS one day milk testing program and took advantage of the 3 separate
tests. They paid for 2 tests and got the 3 rd one free. A great program which provided herds to know
what their does were doing in the milk bucket and a good start at getting the select doe certificates,
working the way towards becoming a Master Breeder/Silver Breeder. Which requires the use of milk
points, classification points and show points. The Silver Breeder award requires milk points and
classification points which is designed for herds that don’t show.
The West National Show was finally held in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island after delays due to Covid. The
Committee that organized and kept things moving, the Sponsors that donated for the Youth show and
the Open show and the breeders that attended, did a great job. Many many thanks to you all (you know
who you are). It was fun and exciting seeing old friends and meeting many new ones.
BC saw an increase in membership and goat shows this year, which is very good news for the industry.
The shows provided a venue for breeders to see/meet other breeders, exchange ideas with breeding
programs, performance programs and progeny they may be interested in introducing to their herd.
The CGS Classification program was also a hit with breeders after not having it for a while. We finally
got the chance to have a trained outsider, telling us if we did the right mating’s, the area our animals
need improvement and what buck could possibly make the improvement in those areas.
The year is now coming to an end and many of us are using the information that was gathered
throughout the year and breeding for 2023. The cycle will start all over again with a renewed
I would like to end my report in thanking all the members that participated in the CGS programs, a big
WELCOME to the new members, to the many people that reached out with your ideas, comments and
encouragement. In many ways it’s been a tough year but having such great members interested in
goats and the well-being of the Society has made it all worthwhile.
THANK YOU B.C., I hope to see old friends and make many more in 2023. Have a fantastic NEW YEAR.
Sandy Howell
2022 was certainly another building year with great enthusiasm for our one day milk recording program, a massive rebound in the number of sanctioned shows and the re-launch of our classification program. In addition the year just concluded was a very strong one for volume of registry work processed by our registry provider CLRC.
Here are key highlights and accomplishments of the year just past:
-Registrations were up 5.5% over 2021. Registration activity has been stable over the past five years.
-While transfers of ownership were down compared to 2021 there has been substantial growth in this area and transfers were 37% higher than they were in 2018.
-Membership totals have been an absolute bright light with growth every year since 2018. The 2022 total was 3.7% higher than in 2021 and was the highest since 2001, twenty one years earlier!!!!
The number was 642 and that is 21% higher than in 2018!
-We welcomed 135 new members in 2022 and 142 in 2021 so there has been a ton of energizing interaction with new brand new members as they learn the ropes. Communicating with new folks is inspiring!
-Number of units processed for CGS by CLRC in 2022 was 6.9% higher than in in 2021. The number of units processed in 2022 was 23% higher than in 2018.
-Overall the theme of the past half decade has been strong growth and building for the future!
-The number of sanctioned shows this year was 39 compared to 11 in 2021. What a joy to see this rebound! This revival in numbers created an opportunity for members to interact in person again and to meet new exhibitors. Judges did an absolutely outstanding job submitting Reports of Awards for processing in a very timely manner. Two Judges Licensing Conferences were held in 2022 in Alberta and Ontario.
-Participation in our 305 day and one day milk testing programs was inspiring and growth in the one day program in particular was marked!
-Classification was relaunched for the first time since 2019 with well over 500 head evaluated in seven provinces. We were able to bring our four classifiers together in June for a workshop prior to them starting their work for the year. Thanks to long-term members Grant Howley and Gerard McNeil for their generosity in hosting the workshop. Huge thanks is owed to Eugenia Carnegie, Linda Carlson, Edward Cavanagh and Jon Raymond Dykstra for their dedication to the task and working on program enhancements. Thanks to all the herd owners who participated in This program and our milk recording programs and registry service offerings!
-With this kind of growth in activity finances of CGS were in a very strong position. We know that the bottom line of CGS improved by over $42,000 from 2019 to 2021. All indications are that the final reviewed bottom line for 2022 will nicely exceed the performance of 2021. The result of this revival in finance is that since May 2021 CGS has been able to establish and grow an investment portfolio. We now work hard at capturing the best interests on investments that are low or no risk as anniversary dates are met. In addition the two bank accounts CGS has are in very solid states.
-Cooperation with other small ruminant partners on CFIA topics and forward planning with the Integrated Genetic Databases project will reap lasting rewards for CGS. CGS has a respected voice at these meetings and our input is welcome. There is amazing unity of spirit at these meetings.
-There is much work to be done with the dedicated board being constantly occupied with setting direction and policy for the future.
-The future for CGS can be as bright as we all want it to be!
Very best regards, Russell Gammon
Herewith the report of the meeting of the By-law Amendment Review Committee, which, in this instance was the CGS Board of Directors.
As per by-laws of CGS the proposed by-law amendments were sent to the Animal Registration Officer (ARO) at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and The Manager of Canadian Livestock Records Corporation (CLRC).
Included here is the report of the By-Law Amendment Review Committee and the responses to proposed amendments from AAFC and CLRC.
This meeting was held via Zoom on the evening of November 7th and commenced at 8 pm Eastern.
The focus of the meeting was to determine if proposed by-law amendments, received on October 18th, 2022 conformed with CGS by-laws.
Sandy Howell; Susan Frazer; Chris Grab; Tanya McCarthy; Jonathan Dugdale and Arnie Steeves.
Staff; Russell Gammon
Regrets: Raynald Dube.
The meeting was called to order by Russell Gammon, who chaired the meeting.
The Board agreed that they would serve as the Amendment Review Committee referenced in the by-laws.
In attempts to determine clarity on the functions and purposes of the meeting, as it was the first such meeting in over two decades, the question was raised about whether board members would vote on the acceptability of each proposed amendment by emailing the CGS office with their vote/s.
Discussion ensued about the fact that the purposes of the meeting were to “ review the proposed amendment, having regard to its correctness in form, its consistency with the Animal Pedigree Act and with the other by-laws of the Society, and its clarity of intent and practical application” Rather than to vote on the committee’s stance on the content of the amendment.
An initial topic was the matter of definitions of signed and signatures as they related to signatures provided that were typed only.
Questions were raised about the prospect for repercussions if typed signatures as opposed to a written signature were accepted for proposed by-law amendments.
It became evident that, eventually, wording of current by-laws would need to be updated regarding signing and signatures.
The question of timing of receipt of some expressions of support for the proposed amendments was also raised. This was with regard to the number of signatures-written and electronic that had been received for each proposed amendment one hundred and twenty (120) days in advance of the next AGM.
It was noted that in other aspects of CGS business we do accept typed signatures.
As part of this discussion it was noted that it was possible to verify typed signatures by contacting the people whose names were submitted in typed format.
There was reiteration of the fact that there is a need for revision of CGS by-laws on matters or electronic transmission of information and clear definitions of signed and signatures or means of working with typed signatures.
Moved by Tanya; seconded by Chris that three proposed by law amendments conform to the by-law requirement of “ correctness in form, its consistency with the Animal Pedigree Act and with the other by-laws of the Society, and its clarity of intent and practical application.”
Carried with six votes in favour. Also carried was an amendment specifying the three proposed amendments of interest as four proposed amendments had been submitted.
Board members did express the stance that additional expression of support for the amendments received as of October 22nd would not meet the 120 days in advance deadline.
A question raised after the votes was whether or not one amendment created two categories of directors, one for those elected and another for those acclaimed. Support for this line of thinking was that current by-laws do not address the matter of how a director gains the position and that in some cases it is a challenge to find a director so acclamation is the only option. This leads to the question of fairness in restricting a director from being elected as President because he or she became a director by acclamation.
A report of this meeting will be sent to the parties who proposed the amendments, The CGS Board, the Manager of CLRC and the Animal Registration Officer at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
This report will also be shared with attendees at the upcoming CGS AGM.
Meeting concluded at 9;35 pm Eastern.
Including minutes of By-law Review Committee..
Good morning David, Courtney and Brian:
You may be wondering why you are receiving this message so I will copy and paste a portion of the Canadian Goat Society by-laws below:
By no later than 90 days prior to such meeting, the Amendments Review Committee shall review the proposed amendment, having regard to its correctness in form, its consistency with the Animal Pedigree Act and with the other by-laws of the Society, and its clarity of intent and practical application. The Amendments Review Committee shall provide the Board with a report containing the results of its review and a copy of such report shall be sent by regular prepaid mail to each of the said proposing members.
*** Also, to the extent that time permits, the proposed amendment together with the report of the Amendments Review Committee should be provided to the Animal Registration Officer of Agriculture Canada and to CLRC with a request for comments thereon from each of them. ***
The Amendment Review Committee, which in this case was the full board of CGS met in November, within the timeframe called for in the by-laws and we are presenting to you the minutes of that meeting as a report of the Committee along with the proposed amendments for your study and comments.
As noted in the by-laws we are requesting comments from both parties.
The proposed amendments are as follows:
It is proposed that bylaw 8.4 stating
“The President may vote in the event of a tie; said vote being in addition to his regular vote as director.”
be amended to read as follows
In the event of a tie vote, the vote must be retaken until the tie vote is resolved by additional voting.
It is proposed that bylaws be amended to include the following;
No individual may serve as a director for more than 2 (two) terms consecutively.
It is proposed that bylaws be amended to include the following.
The role of President cannot be filled by a director who was acclaimed.
This material was followed by the By-law Amendment Review Committee as presented above.
Received after comments from Brian Sullivan of CLRC.
Brian makes some good points.
It is proposed that bylaw 8.4 stating
“The President may vote in the event of a tie; said vote being in addition to
his regular vote as director.”
be amended to read as follows
In the event of a tie vote, the vote must be retaken until the tie vote is resolved by additional voting.
Comment: Brian is correct, that the chair normally shouldn’t cast an additional vote. However, the proposed wording does not appear to be an improvement either. Waiting until somebody gives up, expires, or quits is not a win. I agree that the existing wording is not preferred, although it helps resolve an impasse. Where the President is also the presiding officer, his first job is to maintain decorum of the process and impartiality to ensure a well-managed and unbiased process, and keep the discussions focussed on the topics at hand. Alternately, if the vice-president or another member of the Board is designated as the chair (and does not vote), that is one way in which to allow the president to vote. Typically, in accordance with standard parliamentary procedure (e.g. Roberts Rules, Alice Sturgis, Kerr & King) the chair of a general meeting or board of directors, only votes in order to break a tied vote. (This does not apply if voting is by mail ballots.) However, several associations have allowed the President to break a tied vote in order to break an impasse.
It is proposed that bylaws be amended to include the following;
No individual may serve as a director for more than 2 (two) terms consecutively.
Comment: Okay. But having sufficient people willing to allow their names be put forward can be a challenge. If you don’t want the same people being on the board for ‘life’, it is important to consider a nominations committee to get a sufficient pool of people who are willing to run.
It is proposed that bylaws be amended to include the following.
The role of President cannot be filled by a director who was acclaimed.
Comment: Is the person being acclaimed because the members feel he/she is best for the job? Is it otherwise difficult to find somebody in that province/jurisdiction to run? If a person is acclaimed, in accordance with the by-laws of the association, he has exactly the same roles, responsibilities and authorities as any other director. I am otherwise not aware of why an acclaimed director would be treated any differently. Similar comments as in #2.
Hello CGS Board:
I’m certain David will be able to comment more definitively from his expertise and experience. Nevertheless, my comments are:
My understanding is that the president should not be voting twice. It’s customary that the president would only vote if their vote would affect the outcome i.e. to either defeat or pass a motion, but they wouldn’t be able to do that if they had already exercised their vote.
A tie vote would normally mean a motion is defeated. If it’s an election where you need to have a choice, I guess you would need some additional provision for breaking a tie since if members continue to vote the same way you would never get a majority.
You might want to consider a provision for exceptions to the 2 term limit considering the challenges of getting volunteers.
I’ll leave it for David to perhaps comment on not allowing an acclaimed director to be elected as President. I don’t know if there is any precedent for something like that in other associations.
David or Courtney can also correct any of my comment or suggest better options.
Relevant portion of CGS by-laws:
22. AMENDMENTS 22.1. By-laws of the Society may be enacted, amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors and sanctioned by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Society provided that any such enactment, amendment or repeal shall not be enforced or acted upon until the approval of the Minister has been obtained.
22.2. Members in good standing may propose amendments to the by-laws, provided that any such proposal is in writing and is signed by no fewer than 10 such members and given to the Secretary Manager at least 120 days in advance of the next general meeting of members. In such event, particulars of the proposal shall be included in the notice calling such meeting, including the existing by-law provision, the proposed change thereto and, if known to the Secretary Manager, the reason for the proposed change. By no later than 90 days prior to such meeting, the Amendments Review Committee shall review the proposed amendment, having regard to its correctness in form, its consistency with the Animal Pedigree Act and with the other by-laws of the Society, and its clarity of intent and practical application. The Amendments Review Committee shall provide the Board with a report containing the results of its review and a copy of such report shall be sent by regular prepaid mail to each of the said proposing members. Also, to the extent that time permits, 10 the proposed amendment together with the report of the Amendments Review Committee should be provided to the Animal Registration Officer of Agriculture Canada and to CLRC with a request for comments thereon from each of them.
22.3. All proposed amendments together with the report of the Amendments Review Committee and any comments received from the Animal Registrations Officer and from CLRC shall be placed on the agenda of the general meeting for discussion.
22.4. As soon as possible following such general meeting, the Board shall consider the proposed amendments, the report of the Amendments Review Committee, any comments received from the Animal Registration Officer and from CLRC and the discussion which took place at the general meeting and the directors may then, by an affirmative of a majority of the Directors, pass such by-law amendments, including any revisions thereto, as the directors deem to be appropriate.
22.5. Any such by-law amendments so passed by the directors shall then be voted on by the members by postal ballot or by means of the official organ and in order to be properly sanctioned, must be approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of votes cast.
22.6. The Articles of Incorporation of the Society, as defined in Sections 8 and 9 of the Animal Pedigree Act, may be amended in accordance with the provisions of that Act after the Board has consulted in writing with the members in such manner as is prescribed by the Board, in relation to the proposed amendments, and provided that 25% or more of the members have responded in writing to such consultation and that at least 2/3 of the members who responded have approved the proposed amendment.