AGENDA: As per section 17 of CGS by-laws
17. ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business at all annual and general meetings shall be as follows:
- a) Identification of members
- b) Reading minutes of previous meeting and approval of same
- c) Business arising from the minutes of the previous meeting
- d) Announce the new Board
- e) Directors and Committees Reports f) Correspondence
- g) Unfinished Business
- h) New business
- i) Adjournment
The above order with the exception of (a) Identification of members, may be changed at the pleasure of the meeting assembled.
Financial statements for 2022 will be presented at the 2023 annual meeting. The review process for these statements will begin in mid-January.
Please note that renewal of CGS memberships is due by January 1, 2023.
To participate in the meeting memberships must be renewed or new memberships processed by Monday, February 13, 2023.
To participate in the meeting members should contact CGS for the Zoom link.
Requests for the link to participate in the meeting may be made by email to or by phoning CGS at the number on the letterhead above.
Please make your request to participate before February 18th.
For those members who do not have internet access participation by phone is possible. Again, please con- tact CGS for details.
All CGS members, with 2023 memberships processed by Monday, February 13, 2023, are warmly invited to take part in the Annual meeting.
The following amendments to the by-laws have been proposed:
1. That by-law 8.4 stating “The President may vote in the event of a tie; said vote being in addition to his regular vote as director. Be amended to read as follows: “In the event of a tie vote, the vote must be retak- en until the vote is resolved by additional voting.”
2. It is proposed that the by-laws be amended to include the following: “No individual may serve as a director for more than 2 (two) terms consecutively.”
3. It is proposed that by-laws be amended to include the following: “The role of President cannot be filled by a director who was acclaimed.”
The agenda for the Annual Meeting has been adjusted to include discussion of the proposed by-law amendments, report of any comments from the Animal Registration Officer and CLRC and report of the Amendments Review Committee.
Herewith the reasons for the proposed change:
Amendment #1 The results of a vote should not be decided by any one person but via a democratic process where all individuals are heard and each vote is weighed equally. If one individual has more than one vote that can give rise to unfair and unfound judgements/actions. Continuing to vote until the tie is broken will encourage much needed discussion in order to come to a positive resolution.
Amendment #2 “Term limits are a welcome check on authority!” It prevents an individual or clique of individuals from monopolizing the position. It prevents the individual in the role from becoming indis- pensable. Knowledge, experience and opportunity are shared throughout the district as new represen- tatives in the position offer a new perspective on the role. Often times people are ok with the status quo and this will not give rise to new and upcoming individuals who will often bring with them fresh new concepts and ideas which in turn move the society in a forward progressive motion. CGS does not have
a history of high vote turn around, hence opportunity for new comers is usually restricted. This would allow an easier and more democratic method of encouraging growth within CGS. Term limits also tend to lead to a closer relationship and increased interaction between director and the members because they know their terms are limited and are more motivated to “work” in the position. The role becomes more of a competition rather than a vote of popularity and seniority. Healthy competition is a benefit to CGS and will encourage more involvement of members. Adding term limits will help to curb the negative effects from directors being appointed as well.
Amendment #3 The role of the President should be filled by an individual that was elected, thus chosen by the membership, rather than just Board members. This will give rise to a President who had to work and prove their desire to run for the position.