CGS has received notice from CLRC that the first mailing set of membership renewal notices was sent Friday, December 4th.
These renewal notices were sent, at the request of CGS, to every current member who has a valid email address on file with CLRC.
If you received one of these email notices we encourage you to respond as soon as possible. The more responses that are received at CLRC over the next two weeks the smaller the number of paper/hard copy renewal notices have to be distributed in the second send of notices. Rapid response, will, thus, significantly reduce the overall cost to CGS of sending notices.
In this way everyone wins, you have a task done and dusted and are ready for 2021 activity. CGS has lower costs and growing income!
2020 membership numbers were up approximately 5% over 2019 totals so business is trending in exactly the right direction!
Let’s keep growth happening and efficiency rising!