Change in policy at CFIA with regard to Scrapie regulations

CGS wants to ensure that all members are aware of this change in policy at CFIA with regard to Scrapie regulations.

We have contacted Scrapie Canada, The Canadian National Goat Federation, Canadian Meat Goat Association and the Canadian Sheep Breeders Association re effective lobbying actions.
Already some of our members who have made the significant investment in being on the program have contacted CFIA.

This a very serious matter regarding the importation of new genetics to Canada and expanding and refreshing genetic bases. We are in definite action on this topic and will not relent!

The release below is from CNGF. Yes, this is firstly an animal health issue but it has significant ramifications for genetic diversity and progress. Onward to find solutions!

RE: CFIA changes to small ruminant import policy

Last week CNGF was made aware that Option 2C for the import of male small ruminants from any premises in the USA, which requires the importing premises to be enrolled in the Scrapie flock certification program (SFCP), was under review by CFIA and has been put on hold until further notice.
(Requirements for Small Ruminants Imported From the United States for Breeding, Domestic or Captive Purposes-TAHD-DSAT-IE-2007-5-6)

CNGF has contacted Scrapie Canada and is currently seeking further information. According to Scrapie Canada, “the issue stems from instances where animals are imported under Option 2C and importers subsequently left the SFCP, were removed from the program due to non-compliance or sold imported animals without necessary permits. Scrapie Canada has met its obligation to report such instances to the CFIA, which has left the CFIA having to conduct post-import follow-up. This is a significant grey area between import requirements and program requirements, one that is now under review.”

Scrapie Canada is concerned that this decision was made unilaterally and without industry consultation and have contacted: CFIA’s Senior Veterinary Office, the Senior Staff Veterinarian of the Domestic Disease Control Section and the Director General of the Animal Health Directorate.

Individuals who have questions have been directed by CFIA to contact their local animal health district office:

CNGF is continuing to investigate and plans to be involved in the review process to identify additional import opportunities.

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