The May meeting of the CGS Board was held via Zoom with all Board members participating.

Highlights included:

  • A report from Chris Grab on the Western Judges Licensing Conference (JLC) held in mid-May near Edmonton, Alberta. Fourteen embers participated with ten auditing and four previously licensed judges in the group. Three advanced level judges from Western Canada participated as part of maintaining their status as judges. The panel consisted of Ed Cavanagh, as Coordinator, and Eugenia Carnegie and Lorraine Keeping. Alex Cripps, Chris Grab, Callum McLeod and Shannon Skulmoski were the four previously licensed judges adding longevity to their licenses. The CGS Board has thanked Chris and her associates in Alberta for their finesse in organizing a successful conference. The Board also appreciated the dedication of the panel. The Can
  • The report of the Western JLC was a starting point for an extensive discussion of current processes for JLCs and how JLCs could look in the future. A working group to conduct a full review of review of the policies, processes and procedures for JLCs has been established and will be at work in advance of 2024 JLCS.
  • The Board approved plans for an Eastern JLC to be held in the Ancaster/Caledonia area of Ontario from October 14 to 16, this year. Further details will be forth coming for currently licensed judges and those who would like to participate as aspiring apprentices or auditors.
  • CGS by-laws include processes for work of a  Pedigree Committee. This committee can address status of registrations, transfers and membership. The committee had been tasked with addressing delayed transfers and registration work. Their decisions were reviewed by the Board and added to minutes of the meeting.
  • The Board then discussed the need for more education on proper and timely processing of registry work by sellers and buyers to be in line with the by-laws of CGS and the Animal Pedigree Act. An education program with regard to the requirements in this documents will be instituted.   
  • The Board received a report of plans for a June meeting of classifiers and trainees for the CGS classification program. As follow up action to this meeting planning for 2022 classification work will continue at an advanced pace.
  • In order to obtain best returns on funds in CGS bank accounts the Board approved a further expansion of CGS investments in term GICs. This decision based on careful analysis of needs for immediate access to funds and gaining optimal benefit from all funds.

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