Attending: Sandy Howell, Susan Frazer, Arnie Steeves, Callum McLeod, Russell Gammon Sec/Man
Regrets: Catherine Lord, Ed Cavanagh, Karen Cavanagh
Meeting by Zoom was called to order by Pres Howell at 8:35 pm.
Moved by Callum, seconded by Arnie that the agenda be approved with three additions, investment of portion of CGS funds, discussion of protein values added to milk awards, clarification of listings on
Moved by Callum, seconded by Arnie that the minutes of the Mar 19, 2021 meeting be approved.
Business arising from the March meeting:
–Due to covid restrictions the Vancouver Island Goat Assoc has had to cancel the 2021 West National Show. Also due to the covid restrictions and the short interval it was noted that it would not be likely that any other western province would be able to host it this year. A notice to apply for the 2022 West Nat will be in the next newsletter, FB page and website and will be due by June 30, 2021. The East Nat show is scheduled for the RAWF for 2021 and 2022.
–Judges will be contacted about the automatic extension of their licences for 2021 with no renewal fee.
–Callum and Adam and Ed have begun discussions for the creation of some webinars on judging and conformation evaluation and hope to have a release date of mid to late summer.
–Members are reminded that they can apply for Select Doe awards at any time, even posthumously.
Russell gave his report on the CGS bank balances: $6000 in chequing, and around $15,000 in savings with a surplus of over $4000 for the first quarter. Discussion of the possibility on investing a portion of the savings in a GIC ensued and Russell will investigate rates and options. It was noted that interest rates are very low at this time.
A discussion of milk recording followed and the new changes to the 305 program are now on the website. Also it was noted that covid restrictions have necessitated some changes – more owner sampler but even these lactations will qualify for the genetic testing.
A discussion of the importance of the protein values will result in further research with Brian at CCSI.
Also more explanations and clarification needs to be done for the website so as members truly understand it. Items such as how the listings are weighted, and the reliability of the indexes between animals and what factors contribute to the index could be clarified.
The Annual Yearbook for the inclusion of *M and *P awards, Select Does etc will be the February issue. This issue also normally includes East and West National Champion winners if available.
Russell has been working on the backlog of *M certificates which will hopefully be mailed out soon. Brianna and Arnie are working on a new system for the future for the creation of these and other certificates.
Russell has also been working on cleaning up unpaid accounts, and members will be notified that if they are not paid their memberships will be suspended.
Also with regard to transactions at CLRC, any members not using a credit card must make sure to submit enough funds because if there is a shortfall their work being processed will not be sent out until it is completely paid for.
CGS will continue with revision to our classification program along with Brianna at CCSI.
Arnie moved that the meeting be terminated – 10:15 pm.