Pending Traceability Legislation

The CGS Board has a goal of keeping members fully apprised of relevant industry developments. One of the biggest changes in recent times is pending federal legislation. This legislation will require that all goats be identified with industry-standard tags or legbands prior to leaving the farm. The following information from CCIA, The Canadian Cattle identification Agency, will make valuable educational reading as we prepare for the approval of legislation.

The Canadian Goat Society has had input to the process through the efforts of a number of members who are involved with the work of the Canadian National Goat Federation (CNGF). CGS also has an active by-laws review working group, led by Director Callum McLeod.  This working group is examining the implications of new forms of identification of animals on the content of CGS by-laws as one of their many tasks.

Please study this information from CCIA, who are leading as tag suppliers for caprine animals.

CCIA customer service staff are exceedingly helpful at answering questions and guiding producers through processes re account establishment, tag selection and ordering.


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