Year end stats!We are STOKED!
Today, January 4th CLRC forwarded tables of information on registry work they processed in 2021!We accessed 2020 stats and did some comparisons!Here is how CGS activity looked year over year!
Units of work processed: Virtually the same in both years, a tiny .25 of 1% increase in 2021.
Registrations down 6% There was quite a bit of catch up work on registrations, in particular, in early 2020, work submitted late in 2019. The 2021 total would therefore be more normal.Actual Difference was less than 225 registrations!
Transfers: UP 12.7% Almost 300 higher!
Memberships: Brilliant at 621, the highest in 19 years, since 2002! UP 64 or 11.5% from 2020!
New memberships:142, a 15.4% increase over 2020!
Registrations of herd names and tattoo combinations were up 9.4% over 2020!
In general terms this was a year of consolidating growth!Very exciting!
Thanks to EVERYONE who was part of this inspiring progress!