This meeting took the form of a Zoom call.

The following reporting, discussion and decision-making took place:

-The Secretary-Manager reported that a date of October 30th had been set for a meeting with the classification team to review the past year and make recommendations for forward motion.

-Follow up work on a modest number of overdue accounts receivable has taken place and will continue until all funds have been received by CGS.

-In an upcoming newsletter notice will be provided of a board decision that, going forward CGS newsletters will be distributed to all members with a valid email address on file at CLRC unless they indicate a desire for mailing of a hard copy of newsletters. For those without valid email addresses at CLRC newsletters will be mailed.    

-The Board reviewed a number of recommendations for action by the Pedigree Committee and approved them.

-A motion was made and approved to forward $400 to the Canadian National Goat Federation as a contribution toward additional funding needs for the production of a new National Code of Practice for goats.

-The 2022 Eastern Judges Licensing Conference (JLC) had been held in Central Ontario just before the October Board meeting. A report from the Coordinator had bene received and additional comments were received from Board members who had been present at the conference. A process of reviewing and possibly revising the Policies and Procedures manual for JLCs will begin and report back to the Board.


-Some initial action has taken place by the Animal Registration Officer at Agriculture and Agrifood Canada regarding providing guidance to breed associations on content of by-laws and matters that can be addressed by associations via policies and procedures manuals.

-The Youth Committee has actively revising their proposal for a National Youth Program.

-The Board was informed that proposed amendments to CGS by-laws would be forthcoming.

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