Report of the CGS Board Meeting, December 2021

This meeting took place via our Zoom account.

Present:  Sandy Howell, President; Susan Frazer; Callum McLeod; Arnie Steeves; staff-Russell Gammon .

Regrets: Catherine Lord; Ed Cavanagh; Karen Cavanagh.

The Board approved a motion to send a letter of intent to withdraw from use of the registry services of CLRC as of December 31, 2022.

Work proceeds on investigating options for other service providers and also working with industry partners and CLRC on plans for a new operating system at CLRC. Time will tell if the notice of intent will be actioned. The letter was sent before December 31, 2021.

The Board approved a motion to have RLB, Robinson, Lott and Brohman carry out the review of CGS 2021 financial performance.

With regard to fees for One Day/Star M milk testing the first two tests in any calendar year will be at regular fees, any third non-selective tests will be performed at no charge by CGS.

A motion was approved regarding classification fees for 2022 to improve cost recovery for any classification service provided.

2022 fees will be:

Site fee:  $300.00

Fee for applications submitted after the deadline of MARCH 31, 2022: $200.00

Cancellation Fee:  $100.00

Applicants will also estimate the number of animals they expect to classify and submit fees for them at time of application.

First twenty animals   $20.00 per head.

21st to 49th animal $17.50 per head.

50th animal and above : $10.00 per head.

Report of Meeting of CGS Board of Directors November 25, 2021

This meeting took the form of a virtual zoom call with the following board members: Sandy Howell, President; Callum McLeod; Susan Frazer and Arnie Steeves and staff member Russell Gammon present. Regrets were received from Ed Cavanagh; Catherine Lord and Karen Cavanagh.

Here are highlights from the meeting regarding topics discussed and any decisions made:

-More work will be done to inform members of the Heritage Livestock Canada/CGS joint project to gather information on the genetic diversity in the breed populations CGS is involved with. Breed coordinators will make efforts to collect hair samples to meet targets of 50 head from a variety of female lines per breed. A detailed article will appear in CGS publications and on the CGS Facebook page and website.

-Planning continues on effective onboarding for new board members in February.

-A motion was carried to further expand  CGS investments by moving money from savings and chequing accounts to investment tools that will garner a higher interest rate. Sufficient funds will be left in the accounts to promptly address incoming charges.

-Classification service will return in 2022. The Board has been investigating all possible options to ensure a cost-effective program and top quality service.

-The Board approved a minor adjustment in CGS show rules and policies to state that any US registered animals showing at CGS National Shows must be registered in the CGS herd book.

-Extensive discussion took place on Judges Licensing Conferences for 2022 and forward planning for both standards for CGS supported JLCs and additional JLCs in 2024 and beyond. This forward planning related to caps on levels of CGS funding for CGS supported JLCs and means of expanding the number of licensed judges in Canada. The Board expressed appreciation for the dedication of Licensed judges. Deadline for applications for JLCs for 2022 is January 31, 2022.  If interest is sufficient an Angora-specific JLC will be held in 2022.

-The next Annual Meeting of CGS will be held Saturday, February 19, 2022. The format will be virtual via Zoom. The meeting will commence at 12:00 noon in the Eastern Time Zone. All members who with 2022 paid memberships shortly in advance of the meeting will be eligible to participate. Official notice will appear in an upcoming newsletter.

-Work on selection of a company to conduct the review of 2021 financial performance is almost complete.

-An extensive discussion was held once again on the future of provision of registry services to CGS members.  CGS is working with other industry partners on the following topics:

-Costs from registry service providers to CGS. This cost has a direct impact on fees charges to members for registrations, transfers, memberships, etc.

-Turnaround time for wok with the current system

-Finding a new registry service that is effective, easy to use and mobile device-friendly.

-Input to CGS from our members has proven to be very helpful in this effort.

-CLRC has given notice of an increase in their per unit charges effective January 1,2022. Therefore the CGS fee schedule, other than membership fees, will be adjusted by 40 cents per unit. Increases will be based on the number of unit charges at CLRC each piece of processing creates.

-The Board approved a motion to send a letter of intent to withdraw from our relationship with CLRC effective December 31, 2022. This motion can be rescinded at any time but does open the door for options for provision of registry service.

-The Board continues to work on amendments to the CGS by-laws following a meeting with Agriculture and Agrifood Canada’s Animal Registration Officer  and his feedback on proposed by-law amendments received during that meeting.

Report of the Canadian Goat Society Board of Directors Meeting October 2021


Sandy Howell, President; Susan Frazer; Ed Cavanagh; Arnie Steeves; Callum McLeod.

Staff: Russell Gammon.


Catherine Lord; Karen Cavanagh.

President Howell called the meeting to order.

After the agenda and minutes of the previous meeting were approved the following topics were discussed as flowing from the minutes of the previous meeting and recent discussions:

Onboarding new Board members; CGS cooperation with Heritage Livestock Canada on the genetic diversity within breed populations project and the need to stimulate more action on this initiative; thanks to Karen Cavanagh for her report on the September meeting; how important it is for members; staff and board members, everyone involved with the Society to make public comments that are informative; helpful; encouraging and constructive and professional as opposed to hurtful and demeaning and standards of acceptability.

Ed Cavanagh will wordsmith wording for a motion regarding registry status of foreign animals exhibited in CGS National Shows.

CGS will gladly send a letter in support of the Alberta Goat Association’s bid to host the 2026 International Goat Association Conference in Alberta. This bid will be made in 2022.

The Secretary-Manager’s report included a lengthy, and ever growing, listing of projects in process at CGS. Financial performance continues to be well ahead of projections based on solid income at CLRC re registry processing and strict controls on cost of actions. A reserve fund, newly established in 2021  remains untouched and balances in both chequing and savings accounts are sufficient to support ongoing actions with a buffer zone over and above.

The next annual meeting will be held on Saturday, February 19, 2022 in virtual format by zoom. Notice of meeting will appear in a newsletter to be distributed in December 2021.

Work is ongoing re revisions to the CGS by-laws, CGS participation in a fast-moving project to integrate small ruminant databases for genetics and related topics.

Some discussion ensured re CGS approved Judges Licensing conferences for 2022 since they did not occur in 2021. The target is to hold two CGS approved conferences, one in Eastern Canada  and one in Western Canada. Deadline for applications to host a conference will be due by January 31, 2022. Work in ongoing on adjusting documentation re bid applications.

The Board also invested time discussing CGS registry service and how improvements can be integrated.

Next Board meeting will take place in the latter part of  November 2021.

Meeting adjourned two hours and fifteen minutes after commencement.

Report of the September Meeting of the CGS Board

The latest CGS Board meeting was held on the evening of Friday, September 24, 2021.

Participants: Ed Cavanagh; Karen Cavanagh; Sandy Howell; Callum McLeod; Arnie Steeves; Susan Frazer and Russell Gammon

Regrets: Catherine Lord

In terms of finance, CGS actual investments have now reached $20,000. The board agreed that moving forward at least $25,000 would be needed in ongoing investments to ensure there are enough finances for changes and development.

New Business

A discussion regarding the growth of Nigerian Dwarf popularity was had. Within the past two years Nigerian Dwarf owners have been very active in One Day Milk testing participation. The Secretary Manager will provide comparisons of activity levels by breed to the Board before their next meeting.  

A draft letter regarding a request for a copy of breeding records from one member in each region had been circulated and reviewed. The letter was to be sent immediately to six members. By Oct 22 responses and information had been received from all six members.  

Regarding work with Heritage Livestock Canada on a genetic diversity project the request for samples from each breed for testing  is out in public.

The Steering Committee for the Integrated Database project has been very active since inception last year. Hopefully an announcement re funding sources can be made soon.

There are definite plans to move forward in the relaunch of classification in 2022.


A call for nominations to host a Judges Licensing Conference will be made in a newsletter/Facebook/website.

With only two conferences required, it was decided that it would be best if they were located within West and Central Canada. The deadline for applications for nominations to host will be January 31, 2022. A letter will be sent to all current licensed judges when locations/times are determined.


The 2022 AGM of the CGS will be held Saturday February 19,2022 by Zoom. Initial notice of the meeting will be made in the October newsletter with full notice in the December newsletter.

Work on by-laws amendments will be re-ignited. Board members were asked to study the recently revised by laws of the Canadian Speckle Park Association as an example of concise, well-worded by-laws.

Work will continue for information and applications for Select Doe Awards, Master Breeder and Silver Master Breeder on the CGS website.

2021 Annual Meeting minutes will be loaded to the website.


The next CGS board meeting will be held on Friday, October 29th at 8:00pm EST.

Prepared by Ontario Director Karen Cavanagh

Results of CGS Director Elections

The Board of Directors of CGS are sharing the following information regarding the results of the elections for director positions held this year:


Chris Grab                      19 votes
Callum McLeod             14 votes

Chris Grab is elected with term beginning at the time of the next CGS AGM.


Jonathan Dugdale            34 votes
Edward Cavanagh            27 votes
Tanya McCarthy               26 votes
Steven Hunter                     8 votes

Jonathan Dugdale and Edward Cavanagh are elected to the two positions that were open. Again, terms begin at the time of the next CGS AGM.

Elections for CGS Director Positions

Results are now in for the elections for one Director position in Alberta and two positions in Ontario.

In Alberta Chris Grab has been elected.

In Ontario Edward Cavanagh and Jonathan Dugdale have been elected.

Terms for current directors in these regions run until the next CGS AGM. The newly elected directors will begin their term at the time of the next CGS Annual meeting.

Congratulations to Chris, Ed and Johnathan. Thanks to everyone who let their name stand for election.

Director Elections: Alberta (1) & Ontario (2)

Ballots for the Election of two Directors from Ontario and one from Alberta went into the mail Friday.

Please disregard and destroy the first mailing of ballots.

The materials for the second round of ballots was presented to the leadership of CGS for review of content and they also consulted on the process of balloting.

If you have any questions please contact your elected representative on the CGS Board.
Ballots must be returned to arrive by August 31, 2021.

Nominations for Director Elections

CGS is thrilled by the amount of interest that openings for nominations for positions on the CGS Board has stimulated! More than 100 nominations were received for four open positions.


Here are the candidates who were nominated for the positions:



Chris Grab
Callum McLeod 

ONTARIO (two positions)
Edward Cavanagh
Jonathan Dugdale
Steve Hunter
Tanya McCarthy

Arnold Steeles



Details re: the actual election process will be released in coming days.
Democracy in action!

Report of May 21st CGS Board Meeting

The latest CGS Board meeting was held on the evening of Friday, May 21st.

Participating were:

President Sandy Howell; Callum McLeod; Ed Cavanagh; Susan Frazer; Annie Steeles and Russell Gammon  Secretary-Manager.

Regrets: Catherine Lord; Karen Cavanagh.

In terms of finances the Board received a report that, at meeting time we had $10,000 in investments ( as of the week of May 17th); just over $8,000 in our savings account and $6700 in our chequing account. This would place CGS financial assets at over $24,700 at the time of the meeting. 

The association will be following up on a small number of accounts receivable.


CGS has been invited to partake in a summer webinar series hosted by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the University of Guelph’s Center for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock (CGIL).

CGS has agreed to be part of this series with a presentation. We have been asked to address the topic of conformation evaluation. 

In addition our working group of Adam Scanlan,  Ed Cavanagh and Callum McLeod have begun work on a video or videos on judging and the related  evaluation of conformation and a refresher course for CGS licensed judges. The presentation will be available to everyone.

The Board will be again canvassed for input on what day of the week and time of day work best for the majority to maximize participation in meetings.

A brief presentation was made on plans to bid to host the 2026 International Goat Conference in Alberta.

CGS will investigate the use of the G prefix for registration numbers for Lamancha goats upon receipt of examples where use is questioned based on generations of recorded ancestors. 

Director elections are coming up in Alberta, Ontario ( 2 positions) and the Maritimes. Deadline for nominations is June 30. A nomination form will be available in the INFO AND LINKS section of the CGS website at

The Board was updated on progress of an initiative with Heritage Livestock Canada (HLC). The project involves testing 50 head per breed to arrive at a measure of genetic diversity in that breed. HLC is seeking coordinators for each breed to coordinate collection of samples and forward them to the designated lab for testing.

Board members Sandy Howell and Callum McLeod have offered their services as a breed coordinator.

The CGS Board has decided that the CGS Facebook page will be used in the same manner as the CGS website in a message board function. Comments may be directed to Board members or the office by email or phone calls or letters.

CGS will be releasing an announcement regarding the results of DNA testing on three animals and subsequent revisions to two pedigrees to the membership.

Further discussions will be held on possible random DNA testing within the Canadian population or DNA testing of males being registered. 

The Board received a report of the latest meeting of a steering committee regarding integrated databases for genetic, pedigree and performance information for small ruminates.  The meeting had been held earlier in the day on May 21st. The steering committee has also created a game plan for next steps.

Board members have supplied copies/samples of their recent breeding records to the office.

The Association will now work on randomized selection a member in each 

Director region for a request for a copy of their breeding records as outlined in CGS by-laws.

CGS will be consulting with CLRC for a quote on adding a breeding date or exposure date range to the registration application process. 

CGS has consulted with the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair on prospects for the East National Show and The Royal itself. The RAWF has indicated they will have a better handle on their plans for 2021 by early July.

A motion was passed that funds in the Candice Cavanagh Memorial Scholarship Fund for youth be forwarded to the Cavanagh family for management of the program. This will provide an extra level of protection for the funds. 

CGS will continue working with the Animal Registration Officer on proposed by-law amendments that were submitted during the winter. A working group of members invested considerable amounts of time formulating draft amendments that were also reviewed in depth by the Board. 

The Board’s next scheduled meeting will be held in early July 2021.


Attending: Sandy Howell, Susan Frazer, Arnie Steeves, Callum McLeod, Russell Gammon Sec/Man

Regrets: Catherine Lord, Ed Cavanagh, Karen Cavanagh

Meeting by Zoom was called to order by Pres Howell at 8:35 pm.

Moved by Callum, seconded by Arnie that the agenda be approved with three additions, investment of portion of CGS funds, discussion of protein values added to milk awards, clarification of listings on

Moved by Callum, seconded by Arnie that the minutes of the Mar 19, 2021 meeting be approved.

Business arising from the March meeting:

–Due to covid restrictions the Vancouver Island Goat Assoc has had to cancel the 2021 West National Show. Also due to the covid restrictions and the short interval it was noted that it would not be likely that any other western province would be able to host it this year. A notice to apply for the 2022 West Nat will be in the next newsletter, FB page and website and will be due by June 30, 2021. The East Nat show is scheduled for the RAWF for 2021 and 2022.

–Judges will be contacted about the automatic extension of their licences for 2021 with no renewal fee.

–Callum and Adam and Ed have begun discussions for the creation of some webinars on judging and conformation evaluation and hope to have a release date of mid to late summer.

–Members are reminded that they can apply for Select Doe awards at any time, even posthumously.

Russell gave his report on the CGS bank balances: $6000 in chequing, and around $15,000 in savings with a surplus of over $4000 for the first quarter. Discussion of the possibility on investing a portion of the savings in a GIC ensued and Russell will investigate rates and options. It was noted that interest rates are very low at this time.

A discussion of milk recording followed and the new changes to the 305 program are now on the website. Also it was noted that covid restrictions have necessitated some changes – more owner sampler but even these lactations will qualify for the genetic testing.

A discussion of the importance of the protein values will result in further research with Brian at CCSI.

Also more explanations and clarification needs to be done for the website so as members truly understand it. Items such as how the listings are weighted, and the reliability of the indexes between animals and what factors contribute to the index could be clarified.

The Annual Yearbook for the inclusion of *M and *P awards, Select Does etc will be the February issue. This issue also normally includes East and West National Champion winners if available.

Russell has been working on the backlog of *M certificates which will hopefully be mailed out soon. Brianna and Arnie are working on a new system for the future for the creation of these and other certificates.

Russell has also been working on cleaning up unpaid accounts, and members will be notified that if they are not paid their memberships will be suspended.

Also with regard to transactions at CLRC, any members not using a credit card must make sure to submit enough funds because if there is a shortfall their work being processed will not be sent out until it is completely paid for.

CGS will continue with revision to our classification program along with Brianna at CCSI.

Arnie moved that the meeting be terminated – 10:15 pm.